"Make me want to obey You rather than be rich.
Take away my foolish desires and let me find life by walking with You."
~ Psalm 119:36-37

Monday, November 22, 2010

More endless gifts…

I give thanks for all He has entrusted to me:

18.  morning birds

19.  Early Thanksgiving with family

20.  Long car trips

21.  Books on CD for long car trips

22.  Family far away for switch to justify long car trips

23.  good sleep

24.  5 days of panties for the potty trainee (with only 1 accident)

25.  warm house, this house for until “the perfect time”

26.  riding (not driving) the long car trip

27.  worshipping with family

28.  pie – made by Grandma

29.  dirty laundry (remind me I’m thankful for this…) = we are clothed & warm

30.  2 girls piled in bed with 4 year old “reading” books to her younger sister

31.  Christmas surprises tucked away

32.  books, books, more books

33.  mid-November warmth & sunshine

34.  yummy rolls baking

35.  home grown beef coming to my freezer

36.  family over for dinner

37.  quiet in the afternoon

38.  no dishwasher means I can enjoy the gorgeous mountain view from my kitchen window a bit longer!

39.  dinner with mom & dad

40.  selfless husband

41.  new music

42.  old music

43.  kids’ love of [most] music

44.  stacks of winter coats & blankets

45.  baskets & bags


So many more.  Endless gifts…join me in counting yours.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Endless gifts…

About 2 years ago I began to journal…just write stuff.  It began as a calendar sort of thing, to remember “firsts” & funny things the girls did.  The original purpose transformed into a prayer journal & place for sermon notes, quotes I like, stuff I want to have all in one place.  Then I ran across the challenge to  count the endless ways He blesses me and added it to the journal too! 

Somewhere midst the packed boxes of books in storage (waiting for their final destination in our new home that we haven’t found yet) are 2 journals containing lots of memories, struggles, tears, laughter…and LOTS of ink.  I just finished my third one.   There, among the pages of those journals, are the gifts He gives me in the everyday chaos.  Someday as I  dig through and read them, I’ll record those first gifts here…all in one place…but until then, I’ll begin a new list here…

1.  coffee

2.  quiet mornings

3.  sleepy faces hidden by lots of hair

4.  Christmas music

5.  Lazy days of no schedule

6.  Friends who are family

7.  Recipe gathering & baking day

8.  Belly growls quieted by homemade yogurt & granola

9.  Cinnamon rolls (enough said)

10.  Pizza

11.  Zumba

12.  old friends

13.  contagious giggles

14.  a no “pull-up” day (even though there were 2 accidents)

15.  sore muscles

16.  summer’s harvest in the oven

17.  my love…obsessing along WITH me! 

So many more.  Endless gifts…join me in counting yours.


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